00020101021126580014br.gov.bcb.pix0136f3dbcc33-a7c9-42cc-86df-2a62806a5bf05204000053039865406120.005802BR5914eSocial Brasil6009SAO PAULO622905251H292SK875HKYVMJB6EAG4RPE630497D0 00020101021126580014br.gov.bcb.pix0136f3dbcc33-a7c9-42cc-86df2a62806a5bf05204000053039865406120.005802BR5914eSocialBrasil6009SAOPAULO622905251H292SK875HKYVMJB6EAG4RPE630497D0 SOME revista científica | SOME
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SOMES - Social Meeting Scientific Journal is the multidisciplinary journal published biannually by eSocial Brasil, ISSN 2764-0564  (ISBN 978-65-991619-0-2). DOI 10.29327/241013.2.2, ORCID 0000-0001-5061-8755, created after the International Social Meeting Seminar, held in São Paulo, Brazil, in 2018, with the presence of Brazilian and Argentine researchers. The scientific committee welcomed the participants' proposal to publish a multidisciplinary scientific journal, with studies and research beyond applied social sciences, considering the complexity of the social issue. The Social Meeting Scientific Journal is the open access journal, and the user can download articles separately and access the journal's volumes in their entirety.

Practitioners, scholars and researchers may submit their work to  each issue of the journal at any time of the year.

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